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11/04/16 7:08 PM

#5203 RE: Aston Martin #5202

I'm not in the stock, Aston, with the exception of 160 shares. Actually 60 now, but I didn't time-stamp it, so for the books here, I'll go with 160.

Aston, are you paying attention to anything I'm saying??

I walked away with over $50k in profits. I'm happy about that. Now, had I never sold a share, I would actually have $70k in paper profits. That's actually better. I don't have a crystal ball on me. So far, the case could be made that I should never have sole a single share. So far, anybody that invested in HLIX has done well.

That being said, I think it was wise you took a good profit back and you can still claim a loss with the IRS. I have to pay a bunch of taxes and it's not because of distrust. It's because of valuation and my mentally ill business partner with the dissociative personality disorder, Mr. Market. It's not fair to lump this company in with all "micro caps," and I actually like micro caps. And small caps too. The OTC has been cleaned up considerably since 2008. The SEC is still cracking down and suspending trading. In the '90s, it was a lot worse. In the '90s, you could get away with just a story. You can't get away with just a story anymore. The more technology advances, the harder it is for companies to hide. Pretty soon, we'll be able to zoom in live from Google and watch Grant Whitus holding a training camp, live!

Look, everybody that bought Wells Fargo at $58.00 is hurting. Pain does not mean scam. Well, bad example. Everybody that bought Exxon when oil was $110 a barrel are not feeling good. This is a great company. I'm proud of them. I'm sad I don't have an options market here.

There has been no "hype" on this stock. This is a company that does first and talks later. I suspect a lot of news this month because of the 10Q and the timing of some things, but these were in the works when the stock was 89 cents. I am strictly a value-driven investor. This company is NOT A SCAM. If it falls to $1.00, it will be because of an oingoing volatile price discovery process. And if it goes to $20.00, same thing! One will be a screaming bargain and the other won't in my opinion.

All I'm saying is I got my 100-bagger early. The stock rose fast, and now growth has to catch up in my opinion. But for all I know, MJ Freeway is trying to go public through HLIX and the price is up on some kind of inside knowledge in regard to that. I wouldn't know. There are so many possibilities. I'm just comfortable in a margin of safety is all. And I'm happy you got your profits. And I'm happy to say I TOLD YOU SO to Brockstein. Boy, did he get this one wrong. He gets an F on the CFA Exam for this open-ended question. F- I need to school him in the arts of experience and science and psychology, but he's not ready to learn yet.

Another one who gets an F and is going to be schooled soon is that bear with the FICA badge. I have a hunch HLIX is going to file with the SEC if not now, then soon, and I'm going to be sure to bring that to his desk personally, hand-delivered. And then ask him to sign a written confession and make a public apology.