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11/04/16 2:05 PM

#7212 RE: EdgarAllanPoe #7210

Do you have a name for this new plastic? Do you have a patent for this new plastic? How about a data sheet? Any idea what core fiber(s) they are using? How about the base resin(s)? Does it have a name? Does it have more than one name. The Electriplast patents claim between 20% and 50% of the total capsule weight. Are you claiming this new plastic is less than 20% core fiber?

You have nothing but some kool-ade put forth in a company conference call. And a promise of some numbers that might follow 3 1/2 months from now. From a CEO that already is two months overdue on his last annual report. Where is that 10-K???

And then there is the stock price.....bumping along at pennies away from it`s most recent 12 month low. No one is buying this latest flavor of the month but you, it seems.
