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11/04/16 7:30 AM

#260346 RE: hookrider #260341

WTF is this ? #SpiritCooking

The Podestas' "Spirit Cooking" dinner? It's not what you think. It's blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood.
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01/28/21 4:12 PM

#363990 RE: hookrider #260341

Clairvoyant. Wouldn't you say this is exactly what is happing now, but did not happen as you predicted with Trump?

"You will not be able post your thoughts on Trump actions. If you do it will be jail time. I really do think the USA will be like Nazi Germany. conix thinks the Republicans will keep him under control IMO that is bull shit. A lot of the assholes are look for someone like Trump. They want a Nazi type country so they can tell everyone what to do and think."