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11/04/16 7:55 AM

#260347 RE: F6 #260337

since Comey forced by FBI revolt to admit Clinton Crime Family under investigation it is time to ask again >
" Hillary Clinton, Is She Criminally Insane Or Just Evil? "

Is anyone paying attention to this woman's words and actions? Can you not hear or see the things she says about those who disagree or what she has done for the past 30 years? She claims Donald Trump supporters are deplorable and not American, she was caught telling donors that Bernie Sanders supporters are basement dwelling free loaders. She calls the women who her husband "on paper only" who engaged in affairs with or sexually assaulted and even raped, Bimbos as if its all their fault these things happened. Her mentor was a KKK member and recruiter, the former Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, now she plans to shut down the Coal industry in WV putting thousands out of work. Her Clinton Foundation took in $100 million plus for relief efforts in Haiti after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2010 that killed more than 160,000 and left 1.5 million homeless, only her family and friends profited as the Haitian people still suffer today.

Hillary used her Foundation to profit while at the Department of State in a major pay to play scheme, she allowed government secrets to be accessed by those around her who had no security clearances, and allowed hackers to see the emails repeatedly, then destroyed 33,000 emails that had been under Congressional subpoena. Her corrupt friends, FBI director Comey and Attorney General Lynch let her off. Both have ties to the Clinton.

The list of crimes and cover ups by Hillary and her sexual predator husband is over 30 plus years and a very long list. When you look up the meaning of corruption you need only to look up Hillary and Bill Clinton. They left the White House in January of 2000 and claimed to be flat broke, but today they are worth millions despite never being in a business or selling products. They need to write a book titled "How to become super rich in politics" or "How running a charitable non profit is very profitable" its all very disturbing what the Clinton's represent.

Now that she has made it clear that everyone who doesn't support her are not American or stupid, just who does support her? Wall Street gives her millions for her campaign, and we are to believe she will raise their taxes. The high profile people in the entertainment field also give millions, yet again she claims to be raising their taxes too. Feminists give her support despite her receiving 100's of millions at her Foundation from governments and individuals who have strong beliefs that women are equal only to goats and are property not to be seen or heard. Many in the LBGTQ community that don't seem too mind that she supports governments that chop off their heads or toss them off buildings just because they are gay. Union leadership that don't seem to mind that she and her husband through trade agreements are eliminating the good union jobs. And the poverty stricken communities that keep falling for the Democrat lies that some day, some day they will have what they need. And of course the government controlled media that will lie at every word to back her and the corrupt federal government, not because they want to, it is because they have to if they want to keep their jobs.

After Hillary's recent meltdown with the "Why aren't I 50 points ahead?" Only an insane fool would ask that question. Here is your answer Hillary. You are a rude lying, criminal who some of us know is a communist and Satan worshiper that has killed those who could expose your crimes, is a war criminal that is unashamed at any evil you have done. Take your Globalism and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, you and your cronies are the ones who are deplorable, pits of hell dwelling, insanity driven un-American garbage.

Indictments Coming Over Clinton Foundation, Election Steal Still In The Works

The entire world is watching in dismay as word has come that indictments are imminent in the case of Pay to Play allegations against Hillary and Bill Clinton at the Clinton Foundation. These could be followed by another set of indictments concerning the email scandal concerning Hillary Clinton's use of a private server while Secretary of State. There is also questions concerning Huma Abedin and exactly who she really worked for as the emails found in her and husband Anthony Weiner's laptop could have been used in an espionage scenario. The fact is that this entire situation could involve many including President Obama.

Reports are now coming out about many criminal, unethical and massive corruption cases within the Executive Branch of government and Mainstream Medias collusion in the coverups. All appear to center around the private server that Hillary used knowingly against the law. New reports say that this server was indeed hacked on 5 separate occasions and documents and emails that were top secret were collected by foreign adversaries. This is the largest case of US secrets ever gained by an enemy in the history of the United States.

There had been rumours circulating around Washington that many within the intelligence community had been angered over this fact. There was a loss of intelligence assets that included deaths and exposure. This of course explains the recent initiation of the Soft Coup that Dr. Steve Pieczenik had announced. The intelligence community had decided that Hillary Clinton was a danger to the entire country and had to be stopped. We also now know that the Democratic National Committee and Hillary's Campaign chairman John Podesta's emails were not hacked by the Russians, but in fact from within the US intelligence community. Clinton has repeatedly claimed that Vladimir Putin was behind it, and threatened Russia with war. Reality now says that members of the US intelligence community had in fact sent these documents and emails to WikiLeaks. Julian Assange had denied Russian involvement from the beginning.

While all of these facts are surfacing the Clinton campaign continues. Mainstream Media is still in with the campaign as the operation to steal the election continues. There have been countless incidents reported already as early voting has been exposing the fraud. The main concern are the electronic voting machines that it is now known to be easily altered and reports have shown this. With MSM putting out altered poll numbers that shows a close race, it is believed that a steal could easily happen. The truth is that both campaigns run internal polls that are not altered and Trump would win by a landslide.

With Hillary being under continuous investigation since last year by the FBI concerning the Clinton Foundation and FBI Director Comey being forced from within due to a revolt by his agents to reopen the original private server case the end seems assured. Any vote for Hillary would be a waist as there is too much evidence against her. The choice is now clear for the American voter, we must elect Trump and do everything possible to stop the steal. This is our last chance to stop the Globalists from completely destroying the country.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and treasonous politician ever to be allowed to run for president. The entire world is watching as it now is up to the American people to join those in our intelligence community and take our country back. Arrogant Clinton has already ordered a fireworks show for New York City to celebrate her election victory. Mainstream Media has already produced the final vote tallies showing a Clinton win by 2% with over 300 electoral votes. This is further proof that a steal is being done. Its up to we the people to stop it.