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11/03/16 12:11 PM

#260282 RE: Countmein #260280

Countmein -- no such 'apparently':

Lawyer: Huma Abedin Didn’t Know Her Emails Were On Weiner’s Laptop
November 1, 2016


11/03/16 3:15 PM

#260300 RE: Countmein #260280

Apparently Huma was forwarding all e-mails to and from Hillary to her and Wieners home computer.

Not so sure that is what the FBI's "evidence" indicates. About all we have been told by Comey is that the emails were not ones received or sent by Hillary. Where did you get the information for your assertion?

But WTF? Bush and Cheney deleted 22 million emails on a private server in the white house that were in the time span of when they were trying to rally fear of WMD's to make them sound real... where is the investigation of THAT?

This "outrage" has been overdone for so long, and what, 16 investigations by groups of republicans who desperately wanted to find something to nail her, and they just never stop. That seems to be all they have, the press is really lame that never calls out the drama queens in the House.


11/03/16 6:07 PM

#260303 RE: Countmein #260280

"33,000 e-mails that went through the bleach bit machine"

Say what?