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11/01/16 5:00 PM

#358257 RE: Barrario #358254

CATO writes in support of Mr. Piszel in his quest to restate earnings. I agree but I think if CATO wants to make a bold statement that is in keeping with its mission statement then go out there and support the recapitalization and release of FF. I know CATO folks read this. You guys are in cahoot with those who want to steal and/or destroy the GSEs so it is a timid statement to write in support of one guy when the entire institution of GSEs and the housing industry that they support are on the brink of being usurped by unethical politicians on both sides. Why don’t you CATO gutsy up and write something big that the THEFT of the GSEs is unconstitutional and goes against the foundations of this great country, whether you are Demo or Repub then go tell your GOP goons they need to repent and right this great wrong because your President Bush said the GSEs are to remain private shareholders. Stop being wusses and speak up and speak loudly.
