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08/12/06 12:10 PM

#42821 RE: docgfd #42820


I have been buying at these levels and I do believe we will see revenues once again, when, I can't predict but I feel we will. And yes this board is here for sharing thoughts and ideas/information and not for belittling or antagonizing those that don't share your own beliefs and when people realize this there will be less skips in the numerical sequence of posts.

Hope this helps
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08/12/06 12:18 PM

#42822 RE: docgfd #42820

You are right that the board has not been used for sharing information but rather to vent or attack the messenger. I appreciate your honesty in stating the time researching this stock may not be as much as it should be.
A certain amount of venting of frustrations is understandable and certainly justified as there has been much not fulfilled by management in the past. Some woefully painful to view!
While the "woe" has set in with certain investors it has not qwith others.

That being said, I have participated in the purchase of restricted shares and have and will continue to buy on open market as well. I certainly would not continue if I did not have feel success around the corner.
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08/12/06 12:50 PM

#42823 RE: docgfd #42820

Here is new DD for you, SCMI has hired Lucky & Flo
Sniffing Out DVDs in the Fight Against Piracy

Listen to this story... by Renée Montagne

Lucky and Flo
R Leinster

Black Labradors Lucky, left, and Flo, were trained to find DVDs hidden in boxes, envelopes or other packaging. FACT

Lucky sniffs packages during a test at FedEx's hub at Stansted Airport.
R Leinster

Lucky sniffs packages during a test at FedEx's hub at Stansted Airport, northeast of London. FACT

Morning Edition, May 19, 2006 · Sniffer dogs have long been used to spot hidden explosives and drugs, so why not DVDs? That's the theory being put to the test by the Motion Picture Association of America and the U.K.-based Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT).

In a recent test at a U.K. airport FedEx facility, two black Labradors named Lucky and Flo were 100 percent successful in finding DVDs in packages, says Raymond Leinster, director general of FACT.

The dogs don't differentiate between pirated DVDs and legitimate ones. They do sniff out discs' the polycarbonates, lacquers and resins -- smells that humans can't discern.

When the dogs succeed in locating the discs -- indicate by wagging tails and other signs of excitement -- their reward is a soggy tennis ball.

The groups hope to use dogs to curb sales of pirated movies, which cost the movie industry billions of dollars each year.

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