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11/02/16 7:26 AM

#39926 RE: Huggy Bear #39925

I don't blame the individual investor or the willing assistant shareholders for trying to make a buck as long as they are not pumping the stock and saying it's going to the moon every 5 minutes on multiple boards or spreading misinformation. The blame should be laid on regulatory agencies not cracking down harder on these scams stocks which would greatly reduce the opportunity for enablers. I think many who have been in the penny game for sometime realize all of these pennies are scams and invest their money willingly. Pretty much what I do. I see it as a form of gambling and if John Doe wants to buy my shares on the ask than he does so willingly. I didn't force him to place a buy order or tried to convince anybody about anything. The investor who makes a buck off a scam stock but done in a legal fashion by the investor should not be frowned upon. Many of our great business men throughout the history of the United States had a cutthroat attitude towards their competition. Just saying our country is built around competition in making more money then the next guy.