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10/29/16 9:13 PM

#259763 RE: JimLur #259753

JimLur: Hate to say this but you are acting and posting just like Mickybritt and rooster. All bull shit. Everyone of your "The Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks" has been hashed and rehashed over & over from them and other Trumpheads. They have all been shown to be piss poor bull shit. By posting this crap again does not even rate answering. You are now high man on the BS pole.
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10/29/16 9:47 PM

#259770 RE: JimLur #259753

13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News

Where was your inquest after the Karachi attacks, Mr. Graham? Where were you after the Sana’a attacks, Mr. Hannity? What about all of the embassy attacks in Iraq that I didn't even list here, Mr. McCain?

Bob Cesca
May 8, 2013

[to the end]

This leads us to the ultimate point here. Not only have numerous sources previously debunked the Benghazi information being peddled by the Republicans and Fox News (for example, contrary to what the Republicans are saying, yes, reinforcements did in fact arrive before the attack on the CIA compound), but none of these people raised a single word of protest when, for example, American embassies in Yemen and Pakistan were attacked numerous times. Why didn't the Bush administration do something to secure the compounds after the first attacks? Why didn't he provide additional security?

Where was your inquest after the Karachi attacks, Mr. Graham? Where were you after the Sana’a attacks, Mr. Hannity? What about all of the embassy attacks in Iraq that I didn't even list here, Mr. McCain? Do you realize how many people died in attacks on U.S. embassies and consulates when Bush was supposedly keeping us safe, Mr. Ailes? Just once I'd like to hear David Gregory or George Stephanopoulos or Wolf Blitzer ask a Republican member of Congress about the above timeline and why they said nothing at the time of each attack. Just once.

Nearly every accusation being issued about Benghazi could've been raised about the Bush era attacks, and yet these self-proclaimed truth-seekers refused to, in their words, undermine the commander-in-chief while troops were in harm's way (a line they repeated over and over again during those years).

So we're only left to conclude the obvious. The investigations and accusations and conspiracy theories are entirely motivated by politics and a strategy to escalate this to an impeachment trial. In doing so, the Republicans have the opportunity not only to crush the president's second term, but also to sabotage the potential for a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Even if they never arrive at that goal, they have in their possession a cudgel formed of horseshit -- a means of flogging the current administration with the singularly effective Republican marketing/noise machine, including the conservative entertainment complex. Very seldom does this machine fail to revise history and distort the truth. Ultimately, they don't even need a full-blown impeachment proceeding when they have a population of way too many truthers and automatons who take all of these lies at face value -- not to mention dubiously sourced chunks of "truth" proffered by radio and cable news conspiracy theorists who, if nothing else, are masters at telling angry conservatives precisely what they want to hear: that the probably-Muslim president is weak on terrorism. And so they'll keep repeating "Benghazi-Gate, Benghazi-Gate, Benghazi-Gate!" without any regard for history or reality. Like always.

Then there were

If Republicans want Hillary Clinton to be arrested so much, they should voluntarily turn themselves in to FBI custody for doing the same thing and much worse. That means President Bush, Karl Rove, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Trey Gowdy, and Jason Chaffetz should all be slapped with shiny metal bracelets. But we all know that Republicans won’t do that.
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11/01/16 1:05 AM

#260012 RE: JimLur #259753

Top 10 Celebrities Who Support Donald Trump

Published on Oct 15, 2016 by [ / , ]

[ ] [with (over 8,000) comments]


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