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10/28/16 12:49 PM

#357807 RE: big-yank #357748

I do not agree 100% but do note I think the below is well said

I have said FOREVER that Amendment 3 was an illegal overreach and should be modified or voided. Do I think budgetary pressure played a role in seizing money to keep the government afloat? Well, I was the only poster on this board that kept bringing up Paul Ryan's published statements indicating this was exactly what was up in 2012. Of course I got reviled and shouted down because my view cast aspersions on the ever-popular Trump campaign element that has dominated board discussions for the last year.

5. Amendment 3 is a TAKINGS claim. It is the key element in the Fairholme suit and a simple black and white question of law that requires no document discovery to be heard by the Court of Claims. Three years of delays have resulted because their attorneys have initiated a wild goose chase for documents that bear little-to-no relevance to their case.

Contrary to often-expressed sentiment to the opposite, I am no blind devotee of everything the government has done in Fanniegate. But I do feel compelled to speak up when the profiteering motive of some leads to a hysteria of condemnation for everything and anything our government does or stands for because, warts and all, this is still the best country in the world to live in. I, for one, stand up during the National Anthem.

I find it baffling
That those who purport to want rule of law - then proceed to support Trump who flagrantly is dismissive of our Rule of Law nation and its courts and election system (democracy)

Trump supports rule of law when it helps him and like anything else that impedes him or runs against him he declares it rigged for just that reason with zero to little evidence or any sense that he - King Donald - would need to support something he says with facts

ALL THAT SAID - I find the LAMBERTH decision to be weak and lazy as I feel he used the HERA language as a way too broad and strong cloak preventing us from having our day in court

Lets hope that the Appeals court in this case does not feel they need to be so meek

(and people ((not you)) who support Trump and throw around rule of law and support a candidate that attacked our court system and our elections system - because he does not like to lose