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10/27/16 3:39 PM

#357651 RE: bradford86 #357650

Federal Circuit wants the 56 documents for camera review in 10 days, Nov7th, in response to the DOJ appeal.


10/27/16 3:48 PM

#357653 RE: bradford86 #357650

You conclude incorrectly, as usual. FHFA is not a defendant in Edwards. And YOU are the one that claims they are furious, despite their issuing no such statement that so states. Almost every auditing agreement contains covenants of confidentiality that are not dissimilar to attorney/client privilege in legal matters. FMCC paid a lot of $$$ for its auditing to be performed by PWC. If Edwards clients who sought inside information pertaining to FMCC were, in fact, given protected information, their conservator has every right to know if a breach of confidentiality occurred and seek appropriate remedy in response.

FMCC is one of PWC's 20 largest clients. As the paying client of PWC, they have every legal right to know what arrangement is being made involving THEIR private information. Unless, of course, the info is so useful as to warrant all auditing fees for the period 2008 to 2016 being refunded by PWC. Maybe the Edwards plaintiffs would like to chip in and fund that approximately $300 M tab?



10/27/16 4:03 PM

#357656 RE: bradford86 #357650

wow I must say after following this for years and admiring your work Mr Bradford, I'm honored you read my post. thanks for all you do.

Anyways, you can use logic on this one, he'll just spin it as a negative to the plaintiffs regardless and of course you're right about the dominos beginning to fall against the gov't here.

Hilarious the lengths that they're going to keep these documents under wraps. It has to point to a huge conspiracy - why else expend all the effort to cover it up? It stinketh to high heaven.

The silver lining I'm taking away from all this is that in the digital age it's going to get harder and harder to be corrupt without being eventually found out. That of course is a double edged sword for everyone but I digress...

keep on rocking!