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10/26/16 10:53 AM

#259206 RE: dropdeadfred #259203

Without context, how do you know what "sober" means in that email? Here's a definition to help you out:

make or become sober after drinking alcohol: [ with obj. ] : that coffee sobered him up | [ no obj. ] : I ought to sober up a bit.
• make or become more serious, sensible, and solemn: [ no obj. ] : his expression sobered her | (as adj. sobering) : a sobering thought.

Like almost everything in the wikileaked emails, it is sooooooooo easy to interpret words and phrases out of context to cast doubt, when in fact, they may mean something altogether different.

For example, the latest Cheryl Mills email that "suggests" that Obama was lying about not knowing about Clinton's server doesn't prove that at all. He would have had to look at the actual email address on the emails from Clinton. I don't know about other people, but I don't pay much attention to incoming email addresses until there's a problem with them - and I'm a detail oriented person!

More teapot tempests.