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10/25/16 4:59 PM

#295302 RE: jobynimble #295300

I'm sure the last short covering holdouts will wait a little longer until
PTOI is delisted or revoked like all the other crap stocks that were claimed to be shorted. Luckily no one investing in these penny stock scams ever loses a penny until they sell. LMAO
Yup, those shorts sure are greedy...

If I worked for a hedgie stuck on stupid and was short tens of millions of shares from $7 on down to this level and my boss found out I was holding out for zero, I'd immediately get told to cover or get fired for being a moron even though we were up millions already...

That would be after he asked me wtf are air shares...


10/26/16 10:53 AM

#295306 RE: jobynimble #295300

If I worked for a hedgie stuck on stupid and was short tens of millions of shares from $7 on down to this level and my boss found out I was holding out for zero, I'd immediately get told to cover or get fired for being a moron even though we were up millions already...

He would also probably fire you for continuing to use Level II coded signals to communicate your intent to other ne'er do-wells despite knowing said top secret codes have been cracked and are decoded on a daily basis. And for the love of pete we have modern communication technology!

Why the hell not just pick up a cell phone. It is not like the trading here is so fast furious that it needs computer intervention. Just call a fellow ne'er do-well and say hey I am going to the deli on the corner, want anything? No? Ok by the way I am going to sell $400ish worth of PTOI at 4.5 cents around 11:30ish. I know, I know we are up tens of millions but if you could just throw in a couple hundred bucks that will really throw those sumbeeches in a tail spin!!! Oh and let me know if you change your mind on the deli. It is pastrami Wednesday."