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terry hallinan

10/22/16 1:27 AM

#975 RE: greens12 #974

"the CEO scumbag of INSY spent 500,000 of shareholder money to fight MJ legalization in Arizona... I hope AZ legalizes"

"Marijuana" is an undefined term akin to terms like ugly or beautiful that is meaningful mainly to the speaker or writer but is far more capable of devilment when it is written into law. THC [tetrahydrocannabinol] is the primary psychoactive chemical in some Cannabis plants that are outlawed in federal law with obviously false claims that marijuana, whatever that is supposed to be, has no medical use while purified, synthesized, extremely potent THC has been an FDA-approved drug for more than 2 decades.

There is no better proof of the hypocrisy of politicians, judges, lawyers and reporters and even many doctors I know of than the failure to point out the corruption inherent in our laws regarding the undefined marijuana.

Our current federal Attorney General is hell on wheels according to her own testimony regarding marijuana [whatever she thinks it might be] and federal law still bans all use of Cannabis plants, with or without THC and any other psychoactive substances.

Our current president and any future president could on a whim ignore all state "legalization" of marijuana in any form and return to growth of the world's largest penal colony, which even now should be an embarrassment to every American IMO.

I agree wholeheartedly that INSY should not be contributing to the hypocritical semi-enforcement of marijuana laws but there is an obvious monetary incentive to do so since INSY has only been involved in fully legal cannabinoids.

Best, Terry