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10/21/16 11:15 AM

#48955 RE: sunshiner #48954

Uhm, it hasn't been presented to the Judge yet......

Let me see if I can explain.

SFRX files (bogus) lawsuit.

Court rejects the claim the Defendant is liable (I know SFRX tells shareholders otherwise, but Judge Stephens explained to "this ain't my first rodeo" Huffman that they have to prove the Defendant is liable).

Discovery process begins (barely) and hearings occur.

Gregg emails Huffman about hearsay and Craig figures out a way to admit it by claiming it's an Ihub post (but, yeah right, he forgot it was hearsay).

Kyle is sworn in and LIES in response to a question from the Judge saying the Defendant posted something on the SFRX board, which isn't true. In doing so he tainted the Judge's opinion of the Defendant.

The Defendant files a motion and request an evidentiary hearing, which will be this coming Monday.

During Kyle's deposition for Monday's hearing (there will be another deposition on the whole case) he says the post was on another board.

Mind you, that was the only admission of perjury. There may be others, but the Judge was told...........wait for it.....wait for it......

I am not prepared to tell you the evidence at this time, and that was BEFORE the depo. But they already knew it was a LIE since April 7th when Kyle spewed it. I even posted it when I got the transcript.

In other words, Your Honor, I will tell you on Monday the 24th. We'll see what happens, but there could be other stuff. I just know of the one perjury admission, but there is likely more. For example, the Defendant never ever used the word "floors", and of course Craig filed the correction to cover his LIES.

Judge's don't like to have their time wasted. Plus the Defendant spent considerable resources preparing.

Does it mean Kyle will go to jail? Probably not, but the sanctions could be serious, regardless of the "victory" claim.

I hope this was helpful. But wasn't a lender claiming the Defendant was going to jail after the April hearing?