Well thats why I only said 25k, but only if 25k represents a small percentage of your stack... basically the way this stock will go up to the levels we want, is if we're all selling it at higher prices... if we all just refuse to sell, it becomes a standoff where we're going to be waiting on news with very low volume and thats that... I don't want to sell either, infact if I sell, I'll probably be buying it back... basically today I saw a whole lot of sitting on the bid and trying to score some cheap shares... I did that too, but I realized, we already got enough shares, we have to make the *new comers* pay for sitting out in the sidelines... if we sit on the bid, what we're doing is letting those people who *now* want to come back in, get in a lot cheaper. Lets make them pay the fair cover charge to get back in...
Anyhow I have my 25k at the open for .02... those who can part with 25k should do it too.