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10/20/16 9:13 PM

#25074 RE: blastin #25073

I agree that someone obtained what is really happening at Bourque Industries as: "... something is going on and it's not good."

Your "here are his issues" have been posted on this board since 2011 and still to this day remain as the only valid conclusions as to why John Bourque prevents Bourque Industries Board of Directors (his puppets) from communicating with the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders.

My take on:

1.) Cannot replicate the consistency of the Kryron
2.) Cannot mass produce Body Armor with Kryron
3.) Cannot produce Kryron at the price point necessary to compete

Is a simple: Cannot produce Kryron alloys at a price point necessary for delivery as a commercial product, meaning only sample sized quantity for testing are produced at a cost that far exceeds what any customer would agree to pay. As for the reported "I asked John Bourque when ordering, point blank, if they could successfully execute a bulk 1,000 plate order at this point, and his answer was: Yes, I could have an order like that shipped within a few weeks or less." it stands as a continuation of falsehood put out by Bourque Industries since 2011. That or simply Kryron has been, and will remain until bankruptcy identifies, that this company is a scam.