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Drakon 642

10/20/16 2:03 AM

#11594 RE: $oldier Hard #11593

IMO this is tree shaking, and will continue until financials. :(


10/20/16 9:10 AM

#11595 RE: $oldier Hard #11593

Feel ya with the Goslings, in fact, it really didn't grow on me until the fourth bottle when I got some ginger beer. Woot that was good.

I've been killing it on my Mary Jane plays riding for free on a lot there, but happened to notice after their EOD yesterday Rox had a $5 on the ask, last time I saw action like this teasing was back in 2014 it had like $3 and we went to I think it was $2.50(sometimes wish I had sold my shares there but due to medical issues and not watching like a hawk missed that train), me thinks something bigger than we can imagine is coming (but three people here have a good idea), I'll be sure to place some of my MJ winnings here. In for a nibble all these years and now getting rdy for a bite!

Come on Rox lets dip then rip! I've found when insiders are acquiring in a good stock it takes about 3 to 6mo before the move happens, and that 200 MA dropping to .888 woot she's getting closer to that easy break! GLTA


10/20/16 11:21 AM

#11600 RE: $oldier Hard #11593

Quite a standoff today.