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10/19/16 3:25 PM

#6204 RE: #6203

Welcome to the OTC

Whale Gunna

10/19/16 5:16 PM

#6206 RE: #6203

$MMEG much better


10/20/16 1:37 AM

#6215 RE: #6203

$TXHD slaughtered by Rob Ross of Ross Engineering, Inc.

His toxic convertible debt is offered at 25% APR and a 25% discount to the Bid.

You'll never win in any Rob Ross traded ticker unless you're a lucky intraday trader, or manage to get in right before greed sets in and the stock is pumped. He's done this on several tickers already, and $TXHD is just one of the recent ones. There's a whole long history including but not limited to PVS*, VST*, AHI*, DUS* (before it R/S), and many, many others.

$TXHD is a zombie ticker being Bid whacked to death. I suspect just like $PVS* it'll end up at No Bid x $0.0001. Toxic convertible debt sellers like Rob Ross don't care about traders or investors.

35.6M shares of $TXHD traded from a low RSI, and guess what: ticker still closed down -$0.0002. Everyone touching $TXHD is liable to lose their wealth. Why? It's an illusion that you, as an innocent investor, can make money here.

I spoke with the former market awareness people at EMC, and they were slaughtered here too :-( :-( :-(