What I find so amazing is how you manage to know which pinky to look at that is sub-penny. Most of us look upon sub-pennies causing a lot more disappointment than success.
This high-stakes business is tricky. Why do people with lots of money bet they can win here by shorting? Even if they have researched carefully and believe 75% chance that staying in will work out for them, doesn't the downside for them exceed the upside by a lot more than say 3 to 1?
Here is some math guessing.
If 200 million shares shorted at avg price of .03 (any guess is possible), cover at .50 because of big buying by them with no big seller.
Instead they short recently perhaps 25 million additional at avg. of .09, so essentially under such a scenario in the case of disaster for them of covering at a high price there risk is only for about 10% or more shares extra, but maybe the cover could be at a higher price.
The cover price could be a hard call, because if they plant fear well, perhaps longs will sell quicker.
As an example when they capitulate I might sell 1/2 at 50 cents instead of $1.00. If such tactics work for them, they should try like hell to get it down to 4 cents before capitulation on their part to maximize the ingrained fear.