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Toxic Avenger

10/18/16 7:58 PM

#31307 RE: viper666 #31305

Yeah, it's unfortunate, but that's how a lot of money is lost on these stinky pinkies. Either averaging down, or holding to not take a loss.

I would suggest that even in exchange traded stocks, timing the market is impossible for a retail player. If you see your stock trending down, get out and consider rebuying when the falling stops. Same on the upswing. Always take SOME profits. If you think it's going higher, take a smaller amount. If you think it got ahead of itself, sell a larger chunk. But never watch a nice gain and think, "If I hold it all, I might make a fortune". Much as some might make it sound like that happened to them, 99 times out of 100, only insiders, promoters and toxic lenders make big gains on the OTC.