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janice shell

10/17/16 2:51 PM

#258155 RE: conix #258152

Yes, I included Democrats in what I said, though I believe the Republicans have been worse in their total opposition to just about everything Obama has proposed.

As for Hillary, I'm not "wildly enthusiastic", but compared to Trump, there's no contest. She's intelligent, prepared, capable, and doesn't believe being president would be all about her. Trump is none of that. It's been objected that she's a policy wonk who wants to make things better, but has no overarching vision for the country moving forward. I think that objection is fair. But it beats hell out of a clown who believes the office would be a kind of enhanced branding for him.

I'm also not crazy about political dynasties. Why can't the spouses and children of politicians find other things to do? If they're genuinely interested in public service, there are other ways they can accomplish that. They don't have to become heirs apparent to high political office.

As I've said many times, I don't care about the emails. Yes, it was a stupid and arrogant thing for her to do, but I don't believe she did it for motives other than convenience. She wasn't the only high-ranking government official to use private email, though others who did have never been investigated or asked to turn over all those communications.

Nor do I think she lied. Comey's testimony indicated, at least to me, that questions of classification can be complicated. He specifically referenced an email chain having to do with a "classified subject" rather than actual classified material. There was at least one report indicating that was a discussion about a New York Times article on drone strikes. "Drone strikes" was the "classified subject". But to make a fuss about comment on a published article is ridiculous.

As for the paragraphs with a "c" in the margin, supposedly indicating that section was classified, I'd probably have been as puzzled as she was. She said the classified documents she handled as a senator all had headers explaining their level of secrecy. I think that's what anyone would expect.

And at bottom, do you remember what emails you received and sent between 2009 and 2013? If questioned about their content, could you be certain to answer accurately every time?


10/17/16 3:14 PM

#258157 RE: conix #258152

Dem pollster Peter Hart hit the nail on the head this morning on C-SPAN - it will be a "hold your nose and vote" election...and polls indicate a W for Hillary Clinton.
For all their whining about how bad Pres Obama is, the Repubs didn't have a responsible candidate for president so they caved to a narcissist bigot to carry (read: stain) the Repub flag - Way To Go GOP!