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10/17/16 11:27 AM

#29689 RE: bigbux1 #29687

Yep. you bet bud. PCR was a deputy treasury sec. in the Reagan admin if memory of the best sources for tell it like it is op/ed.
He's the one that really got me looking at this foreign policy overall but the Russia debacle, specifically, from the correct perspective.
i.e. we are the evil in the world and have been for a long time but can't see that looking through red, white and blue colored glasses.......
Not a slam or dig at the avg. military personnel, the "grunts", the guys and girls doing the fighting and getting killed I believe they think it is for a noble cause otherwise why would you do it, although they are waking up in droves, but it is the policy makers who have been hijacked, bought off, compromised and sold their soul for 30 pieces of silver to the Soros types who are hell bent on the destruction of western civilization as it currently exists.
They are capable of anything and will be shocked if we have an election as scheduled.
Just have a look at Samantha Power, Victoria Nuland, John Kerry, the speech by Mark Milley the other day, the list goes on and on. What they are trying to do in Syria is what's already been done in Egypt and Libya. Total destruction of sovereign nations to set up their puppets (ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Daesh, Al Nusra etc.) Look at the unimaginable suffering, brutality and death brought on by Humpty and her crowd. Enemies of humanity and freedom. WikiLeaks has shown this to be a fact. These people are certifiable and must be stopped.