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10/17/16 10:07 AM

#258122 RE: mickeybritt #258120

I just realized, mickeybritt, that you remind me of a relative who was partially blind most of her life.

She could still drive and was a very careful driver. So careful, in fact, that she couldn't proceed until she was sure the road was clear...

...and she couldn't be sure of that until she could see the car that wasn't there.

Bit of a problem.

It's like Hillary's email and Benghazi issues. Despite all the investigations at taxpayer expense that have resulted in NOTHING, there are those who will never be satisfied until Hillary proves that there is nothing there by SHOWING US WHAT THAT NOTHING IS.

It's absurd.

Oh, and NOW, it appears that Trey Gowdy altered evidence. Tell us, how does that fit into your need to see the proof of wrongdoing that doesn't exist?
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10/17/16 10:17 AM

#258123 RE: mickeybritt #258120

Was my question too hard for you?

WHEN will Trump release his tax returns?

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10/17/16 1:32 PM

#258147 RE: mickeybritt #258120

mickeybritt, there will always be people that WANT the government to be involved in their lives and make decisions for them. It is not what this country was founded on, but no matter to those that welcome their reliance on government.

Of course, they package this "reliance" as social justice. Making amends for past wrongs. Justifying failure.

Yes, there are those that absolutely need help. But it does not take a rocket scientist to know that many are abusing the system of entitlements to avoid responsibility and, in some cases, using government checks to subsidize their lifestyle.

Hope I have not stated the obvious here.