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10/16/16 4:50 PM

#258058 RE: janice shell #258056

mickeybritt says Hillary avoids those issues, just because she doesn't
avoid them. Saying things which are mostly false is mickeybritt's model.

As for Trump's positions on the issues, well, lolol, here you go.

A Full List of Donald Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

by Jane C. Timm Oct 11 2016, 5:10 pm ET

VIDEO: Trump Flips Immigration Stance, While Asserting Clinton is a 'Bigot' 1:39

After a year of campaigning, hundreds of interviews, stadium rallies, speeches and press conferences, it is still difficult to glean a platform from the Republican nominee's powerfully incoherent rhetoric and constantly evolving views.

Donald Trump changes his mind so frequently and so dramatically that a compilation of his current policies would not tell the whole story, nor would it be up to date for very long (he once offered up three different views on abortion in eight hours). By mixing facts with exaggerations and outright falsehoods

[which is clearly mickeybritt's model, too]

in hundreds of interviews while simultaneously refusing to offer specifics — insisting that unpredictability is an advantage he'll use to cut better deals — Trump and the Republican Party that's nominated him are putting forward the most elusive presidential platform in modern history.

To wit: This list features 128 distinct shifts on 21 major issues, tracking only his stated views since he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015.

mickeybritt and Do na Trump play in the same unsavory and dishonest playground. Shrug, no way can anyone have
a reasonable conversation with him as he would never ever concede that any of his statements could ever be wrong.


10/16/16 6:17 PM

#258067 RE: janice shell #258056

Janice shell

First every post of mine says JMO which means just my opinion. But to

enlighten you who don't know that here is my opinion, Bill Clinton had

to pay Paula Jones $850,000 for sexual harassment, Bill Clinton admitted

later after lying to everyone about not having sex with that woman that

indeed he had sex with a 23 year old intern while President.

F6 in your post about piggly wiggly I have no clue what you are talking

about. I see this board just can't stand anyone who post anything that

doesn't make Hillary a saint and not guilty of nothing. How about

accounting for over 300 million net worth when they own no business.

Name anyone else who has accomplished this amount after leaving the

government position they held.

Janice I believe you described Hillary has having laid out her position's

which if I am not mistaken she wants totally open borders, she wants to

increase taxes, she wants to tax the rich who die 65% of what they leave

and worked all their life for to give to their heirs, but the government

after having already paid tax says we want 65% of what you leave so we

can give it to others. Socialist from the git go. More government

common core, more Obama care more regulations. If this isn't her policy

please write them out in great detail.
