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10/15/16 10:27 PM

#258027 RE: Maria56 #258026

Hillary Clinton Never Put National Security In Danger, But Guess Who Did?

By Stephen D Foster Jr on July 7, 2016 4:11 pm ·

Republicans are desperately trying to convince America that Hillary Clinton can’t be trusted with national security, but they conveniently ignore how they have put our nation in danger themselves.

Once again, Republicans are obsessed with Hilary Clinton’s private emails after the FBI declined to charge her with any of the imaginary crimes Republicans think she committed.

So they are interrogating FBI Director James Comey over the decision because they didn’t get their way.

However, it should be pointed out that this whole “scandal” is just another manufactured persecution effort designed to sabotage the election prospects of their main opponent in the presidential election.

According to Slate .. , Hillary Clinton did not even come close to compromising national security because even if Russia had hacked her private server the information gleaned would have been of little interest.

Seven of the eight email chains dealt with CIA drone strikes, which are classified top secret/special access program….Everyone in the world knows about these strikes; nongovernment organizations, such as New America, tabulate them; newspapers around the world—including the New York Times, where some of the same reporters are now writing so breathlessly about Clinton’s careless handling of classified information—cover these strikes routinely.

The other top secret email chain described a conversation with the president of Malawi. Conversations with foreign leaders are inherently classified.

In other words, even if terrorists had hacked Clinton’s server they would not have learned anything they couldn’t have learned from simply picking up a newspaper.

Furthermore, the House Republicans conducting these witch hunts have actually put national security at risk AND they also use private emails.

As it turns out, Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Rep. Trey Gowdy also use private emails.

Alternet reports that Chaffetz uses his private email address on his business card instead of his official government email address and Trey Gowdy also uses his website email address.

Here’s an image of Chaffetz’s business card.

Gowdy even outed a CIA operative .. .. by releasing documents to the public as he was investigating Clinton for somehow exposing our national security to outside risks. I don’t recall him ever calling for himself to be investigated for that.

Alternet tried reaching Gowdy for comment but he ignored the request which means he refuses to discuss his own private email uses.

“It’s true that there are legitimate issues with Clinton failing to segregate work and personal email,” Alternet conceded. “But it’s troubling that Members of Congress handling sensitive investigations into national security matters such as the Benghazi incident don’t appear to be willing to be transparent about their own email practices.”

Indeed, Congressional Republicans are not the only hypocrites when it comes to emails. Former Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell also used private emails .. .. and received classified information on them when they worked in the Bush Administration. And let’s not forget the millions of emails that the Bush White House deleted .. .

Clearly, there is a double standard here. Apparently, Republicans have no problem putting national security at risk with their own failure to keep classified information off of private email servers but when a Democrat does it they immediately pounce as if it has never been done before. They declare that it’s some major “scandal” even as they are doing the same thing.

If Republicans want Hillary Clinton to be arrested so much, they should voluntarily turn themselves in to FBI custody for doing the same thing and much worse. That means President Bush, Karl Rove, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Trey Gowdy, and Jason Chaffetz should all be slapped with shiny metal bracelets. But we all know that Republicans won’t do that.

Featured Image: Flickr/Flickr [image links inside]

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