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terry hallinan

10/15/16 6:06 PM

#967 RE: Sonnyusa #966

"the chemistry is just not there."

How does one do a chemical test when you can't see the company for all the buzzards?

I can hardly blame anyone from running from this biotech with all the attacks but I have had others that survived even more ferocious assaults but not without serious damage.

GALT is still pushing a difficult science after horrendous attacks against a predecessor by the Boston Herald that was a match for the earlier assaults on one Lizzie Borden you may have heard tell of. The Boston paper back then was the Boston World. Its lurid articles were powerful enough to leave an indelible stain and legend on a less than admirable lass but not enough for conviction.

I still think INSY will be a huge winner though sane people think I'm a lunatic. :-(

Best, Terry