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10/15/16 10:01 AM

#257973 RE: Susie924 #257970


Lets say that it was Russia who got the information, does this exonerate

Clinton from what she said or did? This is one corrupt person who has

abused her office and put american's in harms way for money. Russia now

has access to 20% of the U.S. uranium thanks to Clinton. Her enviromental

stance changes when she gets money. She is a lying hypocrite.



10/15/16 10:28 AM

#257979 RE: Susie924 #257970

Trump has turned this election into a national crisis. It's extraordinary to see that he is the canker oozing from our political process.

Putin, who hijacked democracy from his own people seems to be saying to them, "Look at those American hypocrites. Look at what kind of democracy they have, as he is doing everything he can to degrade our presidential election into sleaze and disfunction.

When the media was delivered a disinformative handout from the FSB to Assange to Sputnik to Trump, they instead reported on the Podesta emails. If they looked at the real story, they would seen the more essential shocker -- that these emails were hacked.

When news organizations and other institutions get hacked, there is a huge uproar about it. But when Podesta's email gets hacked its fodder for journalists to prey upon. These emails are nowhere near as important as the fact of where they come from - the Russians hacking John Podesta's email. It is an act of cyber war against the United States. Will the media wake up and focus on that?

janice shell

10/15/16 8:59 PM

#258019 RE: Susie924 #257970

The former officials, who have served presidents in both parties, say they were bewildered when Trump cast doubt on Russia's role after receiving a classified briefing on the subject and again after an unusually blunt statement from U.S. agencies saying they were "confident" that Moscow had orchestrated the attacks.

"It defies logic," retired Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and the National Security Agency, said of Trump's pronouncements.

Why should they be surprised? This is the guy who says he knows more about ISIS than the generals he so obviously despises.