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10/15/16 10:55 AM

#909 RE: Orwell99 #908

Don't confuse GAAP accounting with what happens in the real world !!!!!!


10/15/16 11:13 AM

#910 RE: Orwell99 #908

Whatever dude, you can use whatever method you want to convince yourself they didn't go through over a quarter million dollars last quarter. The bottom line, or better said THEIR bottom line, says they did.

Plus we can tack on approx $66k a quarter to that in payments to TDG once the 2,100 units are paid for.

TDG has our balls in a ratchet and figured the bottom line to break even on purpose. You think 1,600 units was a number they pulled out of thin air?

Absolutely not. They made sure the company is working on a shoestring so they are forced to refinance with them. And if they don't, they still get their money in the form of common shares no matter how much more outside financing the company signs off on.

You'll see. If they don't refinance this loan in favor of value for retail shareholders in the next few months, its going to rain shares on the market and we all will eat it. And that is the real world!