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10/14/16 10:51 PM

#130 RE: twitums #129

I might not argue with the general observation that insiders generally don't seek to drive down share price. But, insiders do leak to help friends out inappropriately and because they are incompetent. Inappropriate behavior and incompetence are defining features of this CEO/CFO/Board group.

As for your theory about the market-mover at spinofflist, there were two trades today at his 72 cents and they were for 2500 shares. Even if we take the whole week, there were 10-15k shares traded at that price. Assuming he's a real person who is telling the truth about his investment activity, his behavior does little to explain the 45k shares that traded today and knocked down the price. Maybe he has an army of disciples who immediately change up their investments based on his every post, but that seems unlikely for someone whose site is ranked below 15 million in global traffic on Alexa. Also, it would not explain the drop down from 89 cents to 72 cents before he announced his exit.