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10/15/16 12:14 PM

#15682 RE: vCISO #15681

Praetorian is a reseller of the product and gosecured basically looks to be doing the same by imbedding CipherLoc into all of it products.

I agree with clok-em-dead. Praetorian adding Cihperloc to their product line is more about proof of concept then new monies coming in. (although seeing any monies coming in is nice)what i am hoping to see soon is a company like cisco who trust Praetorian add Cipherloc to their cyber protection. BAM proof of concept established and the monies will follow. Cipherloc has changed to a B to B model and I think it is very smart of them to do so.

my compliments to clok-em-dead she/he is bringing clear rational insightful thoughts to this board. I also am adding to my position and would like to go to Austin and meet the folks at Cipherloc.

I may wait till the proof of concept phase is over and the monies start to come in pushing the stock up and Michael appears with Jim Cramer and then I can buy my own jet to go. LOL