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10/14/16 11:38 AM

#10692 RE: rikshot #10691

Fanatical Alex Jones rhetoric aside, the warshington compost is a corporate mouthpiece in the tank for shillary clinton as well as all their corrupt advertisers - this publication is hardly "left wing" outside the warped netherworld of faux news foxbots. That said, the article said nothing negative about Probuphine, instead it was critical of pills and addictive prescription painkillers, which is NOT what probuphine is - PB is a treatment to help those addicted to the aforementioned drugs that have been doled out like candy by pill-pushing doctors. "Devoted to undermining the Constitution?" Really? This is what happens when you let corporate mouthpieces like sean hannity or rachel madcow interpret the news for you - complete dissociation from reality. In one way they DO usurp Constitutional powers - they and all media are given protected status to serve as a watchdog against corruption for the people and the good of the country. whether it be the wash compost, fox news, msnbc, cnn, cbs, the NYT or any of the 90% of commercial media outlets owned by one of six major media monopolies, they do NOT fairly scrutinize elected officials and policy, instead they bury or downplay corruption that includes and involves the on-air mouthpieces, their employers, the advertisers that make them wealthy beyond all comprehension, the lobbyists and the crooks involved in the profiteering scheme. We are one big dirty plutocratic mess. All at the expense of our democracy. This is a political statement, based on reality.