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10/13/16 8:44 PM

#257806 RE: StephanieVanbryce #257802

12 of Trump’s alleged sexual violations, in one graphic

Updated by Libby Nelson and Sarah Frostenson Oct 13, 2016, 1:40p

First, a secret recording captured Donald Trump bragging that he groped and kissed women without their consent: “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”

Then came reports that on The Howard Stern Show in 2005, Trump said he walked into dressing rooms while pageant contestants were naked. Now more than a dozen women have come forward, both anonymously and not, to say Trump did exactly that: that he grabbed them and kissed them and groped them without consent, or walked in on them naked.

Here are the allegations from accusers who have come forward publicly under their own names so far:

12 women who have accused Donald Trump of assaulting or violating them

Go THERE and TAKE a good look ..and think about what IF, what IF that was your daughter, your sister.. your Mom.. .think! .. what a cowardly jackass!
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10/13/16 9:55 PM

#257834 RE: StephanieVanbryce #257802

Thursday Trump Dump: Well, at least Trump's bedside book of Hitler speeches finally paid off

By Hunter
Thursday Oct 13, 2016 · 8:01 PM CST

(many links omitted)

Donald Trump today responded to reports from four women charging that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them by declaring it to be the product of a nationwide media conspiracy against him and his supporters. In the speech, he declared that Clinton "meets in secret" with international bankers to "plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty." He declared that the "corrupt government cartel" was working alongside the media and the "criminal" Clintons to destroy him. He declared that electing him was, in fact, the nation's only remaining hope.

This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. Believe me.
This will be our last chance to save it on November 8. Remember that. This election will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but we are in fact controlled by a handful of global special interest rigging the system and our system is rigged.

So there is Donald Trump's teleprompter-read defense to sexual harassment and sexual assault charges spanning decades and to his own leaked recording bragging about the same: There is an international cabal of bankers and media figures working with the government to destroy the country, to "allow radical Islamic terrorists to enter the country by the thousands", and only he, the strong and charismatic leader, could save the nation from this underground network of colluders and criminals.

After the speech, a Trump supporter left a sign bearing a scrawled swastika and the word "MEDIA" on a table inside the press pen. It seems clear Trump's message was heard.

As we near the next presidential debate and after the travesty of the last one, an odd question arises: Should it happen? It is possible that Trump will bow out, declaring the debate organizers corrupt. It is possible that Clinton may bow out, either as tactical decision or because she no longer wishes to appear onstage with the erratic candidate now weaving strongly familiar conspiracy theories.

But there is also something to be said for the debate commission canceling the debate themselves, if Trump continues down this toxic path. At some point, broadcasting this man's odious stew of lies and conspiracies is itself difficult to justify. Donald Trump has little to no chance of winning the election: He appears instead, however, to increasingly be promoting the notion that the election will be illegitimate if he does lose—that it will serve as proof that the government is truly corrupt and, therefore, must be resisted. This is dangerous.

On to the rest of the day's Trump news.

• The First Lady of the United States dissected and condemned Trump's treatment of women in a rousing speech that was, simply put, stunning. After you've had your fill of these Trump stories I strongly encourage you to seek it out; you will not be disappointed.

• A People Magazine reporter came forward with her own story of a Trump sexual assault. Trump condemned her at length in today's speech, at one point seemingly suggesting to the audience that he would not have assaulted her because she was not attractive enough: "Look at her. Look at her words. Tell me what you think. I don't think so."

• 1997 Miss USA pageant contestant Temple Taggart McDowell confirmed unwanted physical advances from Trump, both during rehearsals and during a visit to Trump Tower. The full list of new accusations against Trump is alarming.

• Trump rejected repeated requests from his campaign staff to research his past in order to prepare for possible attacks against him.

• The New York Times responded to Trump's demand that they remove and apologize for their report describing two alleged sexual assault by Trump with a lawyer-drafted invitation to Trump to get bent.

• New video surfaced of Trump nodding his head in reluctant agreement as Howard Stern and company called him a sexual predator during one of Trump's appearances.

• Before these newest reports surfaced, the Trump campaign was openly bragging to reporters about their new campaign focus of targeting Bill Clinton. That plan is looking dicey now; certainly, it was not one of the major themes of Trump's defense today, which instead centered around conspiracy theories about the media, international bankers, and so forth.

• Trump retreated deeper into his media bunker today, canceling an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity. Trump has in recent weeks made the pro-Trump Hannity his most frequent media stop, so canceling out on even him is a bit noteworthy.

• The Committee to Protect Journalists released a statement calling Trump “an unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists.”

• Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. was smugly dismissive of a statement by 250+ students and faculty members of the university declaring that Trump "does not represent our values" and blasting Falwell for his ongoing support of a man who "is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose." Falwell: “I am proud of these few students for speaking their minds but I’m afraid the statement is incoherent and false.”

• Falwell today retweeted a claim that House Speaker Paul Ryan and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney were behind the release of the leaked 2005 Trump tape. Because that's what Jesus would retweet?

• Despite a barrage of new revelations against the nominee, far-right House Republicans remain livid with Speaker Paul Ryan for his perceived abandonment of Trump.

• Despite insistence that they're standing behind their candidate, Republican National Committee advertising on Trump's behalf is curiously thin.

• Trump surrogates took to the airwaves to categorically dismiss all of the sexual harassment charges against Trump—and accusing the women coming forward of wanting "15 minutes of fame". Because exposing yourself to an entire nation of furious Trump supporters is, we are led to suppose, considered a rewarding experience.

• Fox News spitemonster Lou Dobbs apologized today for retweeting the unredacted home address and phone number of one of those accusers. Why Lou Dobbs EVER CONSIDERED THIS A GOOD IDEA TO BEGIN WITH is left unexplained.

• A partial list of Trump's sexist and/or perverted remarks about women and young girls gets creepier with each new revelation.

• Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani apologized for saying he didn't "remember seeing Hillary Clinton" at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks.

• In response to Trump's public whine that Paul Ryan did not call him to congratulate him after the second presidential debate, the not-heard-from-very-much-these-days Newt Gingrich called Trump "frankly pathetic. I mean, he's mad over not getting a phone call?"

• The Trump campaign's use of Clinton's work as a court-ordered defense attorney in a child rape case is riddled with falsehoods.

• Following his criminal contempt charge earlier this week, new polls show Trump surrogate and fellow "birther" Joe Arpaio ten points under his opponent, despite an astounding $12 million raised by Arpaio for the county sheriff race.

• Uday Trump continues to defend his father's 2005 description of sexual assaults: "I've had conversations like that with plenty of people."