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stay long

10/14/16 3:17 PM

#16677 RE: presidentsclub #16676

True, but I didn't expect to hear anything sooner than next week although a surprise would be good. It seems to me that if George has several deals going at the same time, he will announce them individually as they are finalized. If that is the case, there may be a flurry of PRs in coming months. Other longs I have communicated with who know George better than I believe George will make it happen. Nay sayers abound on this board but I ignore them. I believe the danger period for Coates has already passed and the time is growing shorter by the week for George to succeed.

George has said "buy low, sell high". I am not advocating that anyone buy Coates stock but I do say that buying any stock priced under a penny is buying low. Who can argue with that? My position was established over five years ago and I will remain long for the duration until this thing plays out.

Good luck to all.