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jim stop loss

08/10/06 10:35 AM

#14591 RE: gerlac68 #14549

Gerlac, I hope that Worm has a good audience because I never read anything except iHub and my only interest here is PLNI. So the postings will go unnoticed by me unless someone brings the posts here. I would think that this person really needs a life.
I really like the folks on this board and even though there is a lot of repetitious bashing of PLNI, I get a kick out of the interchange.
I like the fact that, except occasionally, everyone is polite and opinions are personal and not usually offensive.
Probably the thing I like least is the defamation of the long holders of the stock. I have watched my account balance drop many times and had that sinking feeling in my gut. I never needed anyone to try and make me feel worse about a stock that's temporarily going south. Nothing about that kind of interchange is productive and I personally think it's psychologically destructive.
As I said before, until the actual financials change my mind, at this time, I feel PLNI is going in a very positive direction.
I think we all have to remember that PLNI is a small, start-up company that will never be a Microsoft or a Big Blue.
It is my opinion that the stock will not trade out of the pennies in my lifetime but one never knows. Once again, it's just my opinion and, like bellybuttons, we all have one.
Thanks for the nice note and I hope you make a buck or two and keep posting nice posts.