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10/06/16 10:58 PM

#39801 RE: pleeb01 #39779

Thank you for caring pleeb01,

It's getting too close and still to big. My yard is 9' above sea level and the damn thing is coming thru here at high tide with a 5 to 10' tidal surge. I'll be leaving in the AM and heading for high ground. It has made me miss one hell of a few days of wild trading getting my mom and brother ready along with several neighbors and then finally my place. We are right at the point where Matthew will be turning back out to sea but that will only push more water up the sound a mile from here. I can only hope that most of my house is still here when they let us back in the county.

Tomorrow I leave and can only wonder what I will return to. I'll just take a pic on the way out of the yard like I did we Hugo rolled in just above here and hope for the best.

Save a piece of this market for me. I'll be needing some profits to put this place back together next week.