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09/30/16 4:25 PM

#354613 RE: big-yank #354612

"So... FHFA's mission to "conserve and preserve" gets a free pass on failing that test because it was handed an impossible mission to execute by HERA?"

The impossible mission? What are you talking about. FHFA's entire scope of power comes from HERA. HERA is a Congressionally approved statute. You can't pick and choose which sections of a statute you follow. YES, FHFA failed in its MANDATE to conserve and preserve.

"NO DAMAGES COMING IN THAT SCENARIO. You just voided most of the pending claims in the Perry Appeal. Very helful, though. Thanks a bunch for that gem!"

This statement is just false. Not worthy of response.

"Interesting though juvenile legal strategy to claim that any action from FHFA that involved any other governmental entity breaks the law under HERA. Then FHFA accepting legal help from DOJ violates HERA, too? Hey, Mel, YOU handle your own legal defense with no help from government attorneys"

In what world is a lawsuit one of a Conservators duties? Moving on...