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ZZ Fannie

09/29/16 5:50 PM

#354497 RE: big-yank #354489

Big Yank, I agree with you that F and F get gnawed on and bitten everyday by greedy day traders (and shorters) that have no clue, inclination or value the history or big picture of these two companies. This is very frustrating to watch them further cheapen these trillion dollar companies (combined) in order to make a quick cheap buck. The fact that F and F are even penny stocks is embarrassing and horrific... they should be on the NYSE. Having said that, people like Stink and me who are regular Americans (not part of a huge hedge fund) should be able to invest in these companies that we grew up with. There is nothing wrong with hard working Americans buying low and selling high after waiting 2, 3 or 5 years. My interpretation is that you seem to often demean people who are waiting to cash in on these stocks who are holding strong and bought once they knew Gov't was going to court. Isn't that the name of the game? If you are a plumber and you've worked hard and saved money and invested it into two trillion dollar companies (combined) why shouldn't you triple it or even make 6 times what you paid for? It doesn't matter if you knew the Govt was being taken to court when you bought F and F or not. Just because someone bought BEFORE , DURING or AFTER court doesn't make them less worthy of reaping the benefits of F and F when it sky rockets. If that plumber bought shares because he wholeheartedly thought that the Gov't was wrong to steal F and F and bet big on the justice system, so be it. The Gov't shouldn't have plotted and planned to steal from American citizens. Look at Ackman, he bought because he knew that the Gov't acted illegally and that there was no way that the law would allow F and F to break constitutional amendments to this degree and get away with it. So if the average plumber was smart enough to do his due diligence and study up on this situation... he should be able to jump on it. By the way, I invested in American Airlines at .75 cents and seized on the opportunity while it was going bankrupt. While everyone was running away, I was loading up. I sold it at 43.00 Dec. 2015. Does that make me a deutsch bag because I continued to buy at a bad time while the DOJ was threatening to stop the merger? No, I stayed in and held on and was patient. These opportunities don't come along often in life. A shareholder is a shareholder is a shareholder. Except annoying shorters LOL!