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09/29/16 12:38 PM

#12427 RE: frankgatta #12426

You are a sad individual who doesn't have even a rudimentary understanding of economics or investing. Unfortunately, I do not have the time or desire to provide you with any more free education.

Remember this fact in the future when you are staring into your empty wallet: You had the chance to learn about your company, you had the chance to understand it's situation, you had the chance to help it survive and you had the chance to make a lot of money but instead you decided to be an @$$hole and now you are destined to be broke, and you probably will always be that way.

And by the way, I am not an "insider", far from it. I am merely an individual investor with a good relationship with GLEC Leadership who wants to help this company pay the bills and get over the top so that we all can make the big money that drew us to this investment in the first place. In exchange for the additional money I invest that helps pay the bills and keeps your company alive, I receive a portion of shares in exchange for my continual economic risk. I can't say it any simpler than that. Now, this opportunity is temporarily open to any serious IHUB investor that wants to add direct shares in GECO (not diluted GLEC shares) in exchange for their direct investment in GECO.

That's all there is to it.

Maddog out.