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09/28/16 10:56 PM

#42549 RE: Nowak488 #42546

It's amazing what you can learn from established relationships in the industry. Also there is nothing to prevent Contracting to come back and ask you for your best and final offer. In other words " time to sharpen your pencil folks"

IMHO, they would never had gone there with that price unless they had an inkling of a price point that would get them the order. They needed to be in the reasonable ballpark. I don't believe it was an accident, that they wound up in that REASONABLE ballpark.


09/29/16 7:43 PM

#42563 RE: Nowak488 #42546

McGann referred to the B220 as a commodity.

That's not insignificant coming from the father of etd. Anyone familiar with ISC s should know that Bolduc and ISC's appeal to investors was to offer the 1st and only approved non-radioactive etd system.

In business literature, commoditization is defined as the process by which goods that have economic value and are distinguishable in terms of attributes (uniqueness or brand) end up becoming simple commodities in the eyes of the market or consumers. It is the movement of a market from differentiated to undifferentiated price competition and from monopolistic to perfect competition. Hence, the key effect of commoditization is that the pricing power of the manufacturer or brand owner is weakened: when products become more similar from a buyer's point of view, they will tend to buy the cheapest.