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09/28/16 5:44 PM

#100949 RE: OTC Knight #100948

brgo shareholders have never laughed all the way to the bank. INSIDERS, NOTE HOLDERS & a few lucky flippers have, but not shareholders. Shareholders are robbed to pay for everyone else's fun.

There have been more than a few brgo shareholders that have been seriously victimized by this crook. Tears, not laughter has been the lot of shareholders, until they picked themselves up, realized scum berge is a thief and chose to rise above him and move on. But for more than a few of us that entailed financial trauma which inevitably leads to emotional trauma for us and our families. scum bum berge has robbed families. I'll never forget that.
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Mean Weimaraner

09/28/16 7:45 PM

#100950 RE: OTC Knight #100948

Lol seen trip1's with negative equity into the $millions run +1000% with multi billion o/s.. $BRGO I'm already laughing only 39mil 0002s on ask when they stop selling 0001s , 2's will fall instantly . Seen 100s of millions gobbled up in minutes , MM's will take them alone
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10/09/16 7:50 AM

#100956 RE: OTC Knight #100948

This time last year they were buying .001's like it was the deal of the century.
90% of their money is gone.

Shareholders will be laughing all the way to the bank.

alternatively some SEC action could land on berge any day as it's been proven he lied in quarterly reports about his toxic financing
there's a reason it's wallowing in no-bid