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Dead On Arrival

09/28/16 8:07 AM

#20185 RE: 74Bronco #20184

Excellent parenting skills. I have had my son investing in precious metals and stock since he was 14 years old. He is 22 now and always checks in with me on what Nio is doing and how silver is acting. They need to learn early in life what is valuable and what is just pissing your money away.Video games come to mind first. I am amazed how many adults today have no investing capability. Their sense of purpose is keeping up with the Kardashians. Mind boggling to say the least.


09/28/16 8:09 AM

#20186 RE: 74Bronco #20184

Congratulations Bronco!

Fantastic plan. Your son will appreciate your efforts, later on.

Have a fantastic day.

Happy Investing.



09/28/16 8:12 AM

#20187 RE: 74Bronco #20184

Fabulous story 74Bronco. Nothing but good things can come from it

I'm sure one day he will have the knowledge that many on this board including I'm sure yourself Landmark, inversor, propjoe, Todd, and many others.

Looks good on you bud. GL TO HIM AND ALL


10/03/16 4:20 PM

#20272 RE: 74Bronco #20184

Hello Bronco:

Is your handle in reference to it?

Well hope you can order the next one from Ford:

Of course just dreaming that in 2-3 years you could get one by selling a couple k shares of our "niobf" stock.

Have a great day.
