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09/28/16 12:54 PM

#20969 RE: sam1933 #20958

have to say, custodian idea has been a huge winner Idea for me, and have shared it with many elite traders, they have all jumped on this great idea, why, because, they like you, me and most all other investors will not live forever, and will someday give are kids or grand kids, or someone we love everything we own, this is a perfect way to give 100%, with out paying any inheritance tax, which is 40%, there is no limit on how many shares we can give away, what I really like, is I can give them away, and still have trading control over them, or trading power! like I have posted, my dd, is not so great, but I do know how to read, and comprehend good dd, which really all I need, but where birdys really excels, is when it comes to trading! the best way I can compare it to, is playing poker, think that's why I have no issues on telling people my share count, I am used to it at the poker table, everyone can see all of your chips right in front of you, also I think this is why I am buying all the babl shares I can, really feel like we are holding the royal flush, yes there are a few others I like to buy, but they all have there weeknesses, where I think babl is strong across the board, even pps is a plus with babl, I remember the day I bought my first million above a penny, only to see it run to above 5 pennys, have to say, in my heart i was disappoint i did not own more, but looks like i got a second chance, lol, what a blessing if you ask me! have a perfect one, keep up all the perfect dd, my friend!