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09/27/16 11:05 PM

#153700 RE: NioStar #153699

LOL yeah a real loss.... what was it 2 holes a year average.
1 non compliant 43-101
1 useless 43-101
2 failed chinese deals that took a total of 4 years
1 failed spinout (tho it was actually announced twice)
200m share
A maxed out AS
Multi millions collected in management fees
2 years of hindering progress for Dan

Do i want him to work for nothing?
No i want him paid for what he accomplished which is to say nothing.

Scott didnt just screw shareholders.
He destroyed any chance of making a fair recoup of their investment.

Longs will have to begin buying all over again when the share structure is "fixed" just to get even.


09/28/16 8:23 AM

#153702 RE: NioStar #153699

I agree. He kept the company in operation and viable despite being under heavy attack from shortsellers. Looking forward to the day the shorts are forced to repurchase all the non existent shares they have flooded the market with. Go SRSR!!!