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09/26/16 6:11 AM

#18188 RE: Toxic Avenger #18182

time bomb ticking .. 1 year ?
I guess you know what part of the year is the one approaching xmas ( the best ever for shipping , sellers worldwide prepare bad run the higher profitable part of the year , and ship around the world the maximum loads for the year )

2 ships sold for 13M or 2/3 of written value , because it was needed and strategically wise .. as someone else pointed out with an article which ends with the fact that shipping companies need to scrape ships and to use data better ..both things have been previously in the works and done by Teuff ,to be in the right spot now.. much sooner then the writer wrote the article ( september ) that's been sticked among others .

It was a a good move , as pointed out by the article that some are liking here ..

4 of 7 shipper are without charter .. but i do not expect that its gonna last very long

you should expect news about it remember that when all of 4 ships are hired - when that happens- the revenue steam is full on for 7 vessels , and working for some months ..if not a year ..or even more depending on contracts etc

stock price , I agree with you completely..: is a steal and absolutely appealing , completely oversold as well as ready to run hard...

-the company and their contracts can be bought by some bigger companies ? you ( or the writer of the article )says it can happen ? well I've heard this is always good news for investors .... at 2 cents would be an outrageously good situation , if it happened....: for current buyers......