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09/25/16 8:20 PM

#204651 RE: Bull_Dolphin #204647

Call it what you want, but I call it a small price to pay.

While 1% is uber rich, and another 3-4% upper class rich, the remaining 95% are middle to poverty class rich.

There's only one reason for this: the upper and uber rich make their money by charging what the market (95% consumer) will bear, rather than a socially reasonable price.

Hence, by gouging the consumer, they happily reward their CEOs with ungodly benefits while the consumer is left with less money in their pocket to consume more with.

I say tax the uber rich through the nose, since they only got that way by the sweat of common man, and his having to pay 'what the market will bear' for everything he buys.

Gone are the days when you could see our best bands live, for $5.

Pro'ly can't see greedy Bruce live for less than $100 now. Pure corporate greed.