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09/25/16 3:31 AM

#2939 RE: pba1969 #2937

Based on what I've witnessed with other stocks in the same situation, I'm seeing the following once they tie into the grid:

First, we'll have the filing and PR necessary to validate what we already know, that they are successfully running operations and will generate income.

Second, we'll see the PPS run up beyond previous highs and settle around 16 cents. Once the RI plant ties into the grid we'll see the PPS jump to 64 cents.

Third, the company will continue to grow as we see the planned builds and acquisitions come to life. This will bring in deeper pockets and the PPS will jump over the dollar mark.

Fourth and finally, we'll see the company contemplating a buy-out or a large partnership with somebody like Waste Management.

Will this happen soon? It's already unfolding right before our eyes. Read the latest presentation they posted on their website this month titled Initial Research Report.

All we have to do is sit back, hold our shares, and wait for your time to cash out.



09/25/16 9:18 PM

#2941 RE: pba1969 #2937

LC, thanks for your input and upbeat sentiment going forward. If, only half of your predictions come through, I'd be a happy man. Let's hope for the best. Unless I wake up one morning and realize I'm living in the "Twilight Zone", this investment,I feel, will be my most rewarding, and I;ve been doing this for 30 years.