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09/23/16 4:42 PM

#112878 RE: rayovac812 #112877

The decision to start Dgragon Silk production here is an example of something opposite of drifting, and had the delays in Vn been expected, it would have happened hindsight.

Hopefully we get news or a better description of the IN facility one day, and we find that it has the capability to both prepare the Army materials, as well as test swatches for potential partners.

In a small-medium facility where we could control the conditions and labor forces 100%, assuming they choose the right parameters we might finally be able to create test items to help persuade potential partners to make real orders. However, we still need to be able to produce commercial quantities before we can do anything, and that LOOKS far off based on what we know (but there's always room for things we don't know).