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Replies to #93009 on Derf's Grotto


09/23/16 8:37 PM

#93017 RE: fung_derf #93009

First of all, I guess numerous hours of congressional hearings don't count for being held accountable if the outcome is not to your desire, so why not waste more of our taxpayer dollars chasing ghosts?

Second, your idea of racism is really cute. Just get a black friend, or mexican, or muslim, or basically anyone who's a non-white christian and blame it on them. Just ask donald's african american, or live through it and make some friends.

lastly, I know the saying and I did twist it a bit. Didn't know it was coined by Bruce Lee so thanks for enlightening me.I always thought it was Marvin Gaye.

We don't need to see it any longer. It's kind of like welding without a helmet. Listen to what they say and turn your head to the actual piece of work, then blame it on them for having blinded you.

I understand the animosity, what I don't understand is the separatism.

Reagan tore down the wall that Trump is going to rebuild and people still blame Hillary for that.
It's a flat out insult to our intelligence.

There are checks and balances built into our system. I'd check out the checks before we ever get to balance. Vote out the do nothing congress before we ever get to the figurehead and then we'll have something.

Our billionaire governor Rauner has tossed his money into the salad here. See how it changed but blame the mayor if it didn't work.

watch infrastucture crumble but promise jobs. It's bullshit. Hell, let's close a bridge and build a wall across the middle so our imaginary enemies can't get in.

stupid is as stupid does (did I get that right)

enjoy your sweatshop