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09/23/16 7:54 AM

#1454 RE: derkampfer #1453

Own shares? Maybe. If you mean start buying shares, maybe. I would have to see what the merchandise looks like, how much variety there is, who makes it, what things are priced at, and how fast things sell.

I still expect Q3 results to look bad. Depending on these merchandise sales during Q4, results could be disappointing until the Llama Llama animated series is delivered.

My preference, right now, is to buy below $2. The further below $2, the better.

If I was the gambler I was fifteen years ago, I would be buying now. But, I think there is plenty of time to see what the merchandise looks like and how well it sells, before loading up on GNUS.


09/23/16 11:35 AM

#1460 RE: derkampfer #1453

He knows there is no hurry as Andy has no plans to actually run the company like the public company it is. He basically believes it's a private company and he does what he wants. I bet if we looked he and the IR company have some relationship because why else would you pay a company to do nothing? As shareholders we need to hold him accountable but no one else here seems concerned.